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2006 In 2006, the WANTZ Committee supported the Hear and Say Centre in raising funds to buy much needed equipment. ABOUT HEAR AND SAY CENTRE: The Hear and Say Centre is a specialist Paediatric Hearing Assessment and Early Intervention Centre. AMOUNT RAISED: $91,420 THANK YOU: A huge thank you to all our Sponsors, from the Platinum Sponsor, Qld Government, down to the smallest donations, all of which are received with the utmost gratitude. It was very moving to be present at an afternoon tea where Dimity Dornan of the Hear and Say Centre helped us to thank our Sponsors and we observed first hand the children being aided by the equipment. It reinforced how we all can make a difference to those with special needs. ANNUAL DINNER: The culmination of the WANTZ Committee's fundraising was a spectacular dinner at Restaurant 'TWO', on Saturday 2 September 2006 on the night of Brisbane's Riverfire. Guests include members of Brisbane's medical, legal, banking, government and business communities.